Why You Should Take Branded USB Sticks to Your Next Trade Show

Are you looking for a unique way to entice prospects at your next trade show?

In 2016, trade shows generated an estimated $12.81 billion in revenues from B2B marketing. At large trade shows, you will meet thousands of people who are visiting hundreds of booths each day. You need a way for your booth to leave a lasting impression before, during and after an attendee’s visit.

Doing that takes a lot of hard work and preparation. But promotional items can help you make a statement about your company. This can make your business stand out from the competition in a positive way.

Read on to learn more about why you should take branded USB sticks to your next trade show.

Impress Your Guests

Handing out branded USB sticks are a great way to make a positive impression on your guests at a trade show.

According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR), 81 percent of trade show attendees have buying authority for their companies.

Needless to say, their opinions matter. To earn their business, you want to make the best impression you can on these representatives. A USB stick is a thoughtful promotional item because it is a useful gift for your guests.

How many times have you gone to a trade show, only to receive magnets, print-out’s or other material you do not want or use?

A USB stick has everyday utility for your attendees and it also means that your business name will be in front of them more often. Leaving a good impression on trade show attendees can help be the first step toward earning their business.

Easy Portability

A trade show requires a lot of preparation for you and your business. But preparing for it also means a lot of packing too.

You will gather up decorations for your booth, including many different signs and marketing materials. When you are considering promotional items to give to your guests, branded USB sticks are an option that is easily portable.

This is beneficial to both your employees and attendees at your booth. You can carry hundreds of USB sticks into your trade show event without a problem. This is because they are small and lightweight.

Guests who stop by your booth will also appreciate the small size of USB sticks. This is because they are easier to carry around than thick booklets and other paperwork.

Environmentally Friendly Marketing Tool

A branded USB stick is an environmentally friendly marketing tool for your business. And this is something that can matter a lot to your potential clients.

In a Unilever study, it found that more than 80 percent of millennials make it a priority to help make the world a better place. This is something Unilever and other businesses are paying attention to. It is also helping to shape the way businesses are marketing their products and services.

“Young consumers prefer a far more intimate and personal relationship with brands. Brands must go beyond the functional to align with consumer values. More than 80% of millennials rank making the world a better place as a priority in their life, and they’re gravitating toward brands that live this vision,” said Rob Candelino, the Vice President and general manager of Unilever Hair Care, U.S., in an interview with Forbes.

“This is in large part what inspired us to create the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan many years ago. It is also a powerful motivator for our marketers who have the privilege of crafting brands that have a purpose and a powerful positive impact on society.”

Using a USB stick to transfer files or other documents shows that you are a more environmentally friendly company. Your business can use a USB stick to drive home that point. This is because you can pre-load PDFs or slideshow files onto USB drives instead of printing them out before an event.

Save on Printing Documents

Going green isn’t the only positive thing about handing out branded USB sticks at your next event.

You can save hundreds or thousands of dollars on printing out documents before your big trade show event. These are savings that you can pass along to your customers or simply use to help lower your expenses for the event.

When you hand out printed materials, you take a risk that they will end up in a stack of paper with the rest of your competition. Storing files on a USB stick allows someone to pull up your company’s information and use it in an earth-friendly way.

USB Sticks Help Your Brand

As a business, your brand is one of your most important assets. This is because it is a way for you to communicate to clients and how other people identify your company.

Forty-eight percent of consumers are more likely to become loyal to a brand during their first experience. One way for you to help a potential client have a memorable first experience is to give them an item that reflects positively on your brand.

Branded USB sticks with your logo or tagline can be a great way to complement your booth at a trade show. This is because your company’s USB stick can help be a keepsake from the memorable exhibit you have prepared for your guests.

It’s also an item that can be used for years, meaning your brand is in front of an attendee long after the event has ended.

Wrapping Up: Give Your Guests Branded USB Sticks

Your company should consider creating branded USB sticks for your next trade show event.

This is because they are a unique gift that will help your business stand out to guests. It will also help send a strong message to other attendees and is an easier item to transport than large folders with printed materials.

At Memory Suppliers, we offer a wide range of USB sticks, USB pens and other promotional USB items for your business or special event. We can print your logo template or even create a new design that is completely your own.

Contact us today to learn more about your unique options and how we can help your business prepare for your next trade show.