Professors are using flash drives for saving and carrying important documents such as grades, lesson plans, forms, presentations, photographs, activities, letters to parents or important student information. Here you’ll find resources to tailor a flash drive gift for teachers at any stage of their career.
Recommended Support Data Load:
- Lesson Plans
- Training Exercises
- Test and Quizzes
- Faculty Resources
- Colleague Profiles, Contact Info
Recommended Orientation Data Load:
- All of the Above
- “Welcome Letter”
- Orientation Training Modules
- Orientation Presentations
- Orientation Exercises
- Campus Resources Guide
- Teaching Guides
- Policies and Procedures
Faculty Support Case Studies
The Ohio State University “University Center for Advancement of Teaching”
See how the largest public school in the country uses flash drives to train new teachers and support their success.
Texas A&M
See how the Aggies “Made the right impression on the right people”
Other Recommendations:
- Provide content via web links — Content remains permanently fresh by updating the online resources, so the content never becomes dated.
- Add a Lanyard – Almost all teachers are required to have badges these days and most have found it a convenience to be able to strap their flash driveto a lanyard along with their ID. For the perfect combination of both: See Style Lanyard USB.
- Flash Drive Distribution Methods:
- Orientation Events
- Teacher Appreciation Days or Events
- Have IT Team Distribute and Provide Training if Necessary