Finding new ways to stand out from competing universities is essential to being seen and remembered. Here you’ll find resources to help maximize your enrollment and attract the best and the brightest.
How to Distribute Your Recruitment Flash Drives :
- Create separate flash drives for parents and for students with data preloads tailored to each.
- Send to High School Counselors for distribution and stand out against paper materials from competing colleges.
- At College Fairs, hand out flash drives with a lanyard attachment, making it easy to carry and hard to lose.
- Attract International students by making the impression that you are tech-savvy and current with the information age.
- Hand out face-to-face over applicant interviews to stay in contention for the brightest students.
Student Recruitment Case Studies
Medical College of Wisconsin
See how MCW used flash drives to help target and recruit top talent students.
Menlo College
See how Menlo used flash drives to make their recruitment efforts more economical and impactful.
Admiral Farragut Academy
See how flash drives made the recruitment experience convenient for prospective parents, and helped AFA look high-tech.
College of Business at Lipscomb University
See how Lipscomb used flash drives to help build strong professional networks for their students and promote further education.
Recommended Data Load:
- Prospectus with Overview of College
- Admission Application
- Financial Aid and Scholarship Docs
- History of School’s Academic Performance
- Famous Alumni and List of Impressive Quick Facts about your School
- Web Links to College Home Page or Other Relevant Pages
- Guides to Help Students Select the Best College
- International Program Information
- Course Catalog
- Student Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Guide to Residential Life
- Videos Ideas:
- Video with a Introduction to the College
- Video Designed to Answer “Why (Your School)?”
- Videos of Campus Living