USB Style-C Flash Drives

In the never-ending evolution of computers and peripheral equipment, the industry is adopting a new USB port known as USB Style-C Port.

The USB Style-c port has been around for about 3 years (see announcment). However, companies are now starting to add the USB-c port to more hardware, making it more practical.

Most computers with the new Port-C also have the “a” style port as well. For those that don’t users also carry adapters that let the “c” style port connect with HDMI, USB-a, and other devices.

Here is what you should know about USB Style-C USB

Style-C USB Adaptability

The first key aspect of the USB-c port adapters. Because the c-style port is combined with higher speed USB 3.0 technology, it is well suited for adapters to connect to other devices. If you have a traditional “a” style flash drive, the adapters allow for backward compatibility as well.

If you decide to connect to monitors or projectors, printers or peripheral storage, the new USB-c port is fast enough, and the adaptors easily available, to make this happen.

USB Style-C Port Accessibility

One of the mundane, yet frustrating aspects of the “a” style USB port is that plugging into it requires the proper orientation of your USB device or cable. While this seems a rather trivial issue, it has been one of the top complaints of USB users.

The USB-c port is symmetrical so that your device or drive can easily plug into the port, either way, it is inserted. More than just saving users a few seconds to re-orient the device, this eliminates the frustration that lingers afterward. Sometimes it is the little things that matter, and this is one of them.

Combine Style -C and Traditional USB

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between a traditional and the new Style-C USB connector for your promotional flash drives. Even though there are plenty of adapters available, Custom USBs have an option to combine the traditional A style and the new Style-C connectors. Take a look at a few of our Style-C options.